Football Hit, Timbit Style!

I do not even know how to begin to describe this. This dude is out of his mind!

Cookie Monster turned WIIIILD!!!

This guy is nuts to try this!

Stop Motion

This has got to be one of my favorite stop motions ever. very talented

parkour motion reel from saggyarmpit on Vimeo.

Dancing Baby

He's got some moves!

Clint Dempsey goal against Stoke City

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you...
Danny MacAskill

Jet vs. People on Beach

The airport might be a little too close to the beach... just a tad

World Dive Record Attempt

Breaks the diving record! With a belly flop!!!

Ohhhhhhh Snap

this may be the grandest recoil on youtube

Check out what these people at the beach got to see...

Oh wow! Oh No! Oh Wait! OH MY GOODNESS!!!

Japanese tv shows are ridiculous. This one may be the most ridiculous

Coolest Way To Get In Your Car

This man has skills, like seriously. These are some MAD SKILLS!!!

A Brief History Of Communication

A stop-motion commercial that catches the eye

Circus shows are awesome! Here is some proof...
This stuff is wiiiiild!

This is just crazy...

This kid has some skills!

This is probably one of the best instruments I have ever seen and heard! It is a Russian Instrument called the hurdy gurdy.
